Official responsibility for offshore wind power was delegated to the PSA on 17 August 2020, and it is now working on appropriate and well-functioning regulations for this sector.

“We’ve been given the job of setting parameters for and supervising renewable energy production at sea,” says PSA director general Anne Myhrvold. “At the moment, that means wind power.

Expertise and experience

“This responsibility has been given to us by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. It’s done that because we have unique expertise and experience with both regulating and supervising facilities offshore and on land.”

The new regulations now under development will build on experience from the oil and gas industry, reports Sigve Knudsen, director for legal and regulatory affairs at the PSA.

“Regulations for renewable energy production at sea must be tailored to this activity, including where risk is concerned,” he emphasises.

“We must take inspiration from other similar industries, such as wind power on land, and offshore wind power internationally in other countries which have come further than us. And not least from the petroleum sector, which has regulations governing industrial activity at sea.”


This work is well under way, Knudsen says. “The regulations are under development and are being discussed with the parties in the Regulatory Forum. All sides must contribute their experience and their knowledge so that we can utilise this to arrive at the best possible regulations for the industry.”

Myhrvold urges the industry to collaborate in the process.

“It’s important that the industry stands together over this work so that we ensure good regulations for offshore wind power.”