When do operators require consent?  

An operator must obtain Havtil’s consent before

  • carrying out investigations which involve drilling more than 200 metres beneath the seabed
  • conducting exploration drilling
  • executing manned subsea operations
  • taking all or part of a facility into use
  • designing major modifications or changes of use
  • using a facility beyond its design life and its underlying assumptions
  • disposing of/removing/relocating a facility
  • removing or changing the use of a vessel with a significant safety function. 

What does it mean when Havtil gives consent?  

A consent provides formal expression that Havtil is confident that the company can execute the planned activity in a prudent manner and in accordance with the regulations.  

It has in principle no expiry date, but remains valid for the planned duration of the activity. Throughout this period, the company is responsible for assuring itself that the preconditions which the consent rests on are being maintained. 

Should a company discover a nonconformity with the preconditions, it must take the necessary measures on its own initiative to correct or remove this so that safety is fully maintained. 

A consent does not mean approval by Havtil of a facility, equipment, components, procedures, qualifications or the like.